CL before and after

2NE1 Band Member CL Before and After Plastic Surgery

One of the fiercest girls to come out of Seoul, and is the butt of plastic surgery rumors, is 2NE1 member, CL. Her band is a mega K-pop sensation which established themselves as a global act after winning MTV’s Best New Band in the World Contest back in 2011.

CL’s Double Eyelid Surgery Rumors

Many Korean actress and singers had used double eyelid surgery to make their eyes appear bigger. With this procedure, they can look like they have refreshed their eyes and made it look open, and if you have been checking out Koreans’ eyes, their eyes are narrower.

If you take a look at 2NE1 CL’s pre-debut and current pictures, you would notice that CL’s eyes were smaller back then. Now, she currently sports wide eyes. How could that be done with makeup? Since that sounds impossible, we’re really believing that CL got a double eyelid surgery.

CL’s Nose Job

Nose job is rumored to be the only plastic surgery she got.Before, CL’s nose is considered one of the ugliest nose the world has ever seen. Now, CL’s nose is truly lovely. She has gone from bulbous tip to a refined end and what she used to lack in her nose before, made up completely thanks to a nose implant that’s sitting right there. CL’s face complete brings everything into balance because her eyes are bigger and brighter now.

YG asked CL to have Plastic Surgery

In an interview before with Elle Magazine, CL told Elle, “You know, YG [2NE1’s entertainment record label executives] told me to get plastic surgery before my debut. I stood up for myself and said, ‘No, I’m not doing it.’ Like I said before, I love CL, but I still want to be Chaelin. And if I felt like I had to change, I would. But I love the natural way I look. I said no and I’m not planning to get plastic surgery.”
Lee Chae-rin, better known as CL, came from a family of smarty-pants but chose to pursue a path to stardom instead. Look at CL before and after pictures, as you can see, she looked nothing like the superstar she is now. All of the pictures show that there have been facial alterations of some sort.


  1. Woah ... High nose, worst nose? Can you classify facial muscles? Does it get worse after makeup? What is the maximum stupidity ... if she is ugly, I will not be a fan. She is beautiful in every corner except the front without eyeliner.
    Yang-Yung-Sedot "" After make-up she looks very different "


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